NVIDIA put out an impressive demo at GTC 2020 (GPU Technology Conference) last week.

It is called “Marbles RTX.” It is a game that looks photorealistic because it uses ray tracing. Ray tracing has traditionally been used in movies, but was too slow to use in a game.

Not anymore. Check out this 3 minute video of Marbles RTX…

This game is clearly inspired by the 1984 arcade game Marble Madness. I loved that game. It had a unique 3D look and TRON-esque soundtrack. Here is a 4 minute video of someone playing from start to finish. I had never seen the later levels before.

New Printer: HP Tango

I have had problems printing for a while. Everything worked OK until I moved from a direct connection to my printer to WiFi wireless printing.

I tracked down the problem: my WiFi printer only supports 2.4GHz WiFi, not 5 GHz. I can print if I set my WiFi router to use 2.4 GHz.

I want to use 5 GHz for WiFi. My download speeds are about 6 times faster with 5 GHz vs. 2.4 GHz.

What to do? I decided to upgrade my printer and get one that works on 5 GHz WiFi: The HP Tango.

Tango is a very different printer. It does not have a screen. It does not support a direct connection. It is designed for use via WiFi, both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz.

My favorite thing about Tango is how you can hide it when it is not in use. This is what it looks like when I don’t need to print (i.e. most of the time)…

I bought an Indigo linen cover that fits the printer like a book cover. You wouldn’t know it is a printer. It is out of sight/out of mind. No lights. Nothing digital.

The printer is small enough to easily fit on my bookshelf. The only cable is a white power cable that blends in with the wall.

When I need to print, I take the paper off the top of the printer, open the cover, open the printer, place the paper in printer…

Here is a video of the process…

There is something magical about this printer: how does it connect to WiFi in the first place? It does not have a display or buttons for you to choose a connection and enter a password.

I actually do not know the answer to this question. The HP setup app showed that there was a Tango printer that I could setup. How did my computer know there was a printer it could setup?

Once I selected to setup my new Tango printer, I was asked if I wanted to use the same WiFi my computer is using. I said I did, and then my printer started working.


There is a Tango and a Tango X. What is the difference? The Tango X is a Tango with an included cover. The Tango is $150. The Tango X is $200. A cover is $50.

Print quality is great. It is very fast. It is out of the way. And it works.

5/5 stars

Braid Game Mini Review

Braid is an older game, from 2008. I started playing it recently on my Xbox and finished it…without any help! It has the qualities I like: easy to pick up, unique/different, short. It is basically a Mario platform game, with the twist you can go back in time. You only have a single life. When you die, you reverse time to avoid the thing that killed you. Watch the trailer above to see what I’m talking about.

There is a lot of story to go along with the game. To be honest, it was lost on me. Once I finished, I had to search the internet to understand what just happened. The finale is not what you typically get in a game.

This game is special and worth trying out.

4.5/5 stars

Good Deed for the Day

I was heading to pick up dinner when I noticed a guy bumming money from anyone walking by. He started walking in the same direction I was going, just ahead of me.

I watched as he approached an elderly lady. She was at least ninety. He asked her for money, and she was startled by him. Then he noticed she had money in her hand.

He grabbed the money and started to walk away quickly.


He looked surprised. He immediately gave her money back.

I was in disbelief. I asked him, “why would you do that?”

He said, “I need money for beer.” Then he walked away.

I called 911 and asked them to drive around the neighborhood and look for the guy. He is an older white man with a white beard and looks homeless. This happened at Scott & Chestnut by Hole in the Wall Pizza around 8:30pm.

The lady stayed with me until the guy left. She told me she has lived in this neighborhood for a hundred years and had never seen anything like that.

Introducing DDD

One of my goals during this downtime is to work on a fun programming project and try to get it into a demo-able state. I am currently working on a project I call “DDD.”

I wanted a simple, short name that sets the focus of the project. Originally, I called it “3D.” I wanted to use the project name as the namespace for the project. The namespace must start with a letter, not a number. So how do you express “3D” starting with a letter? I could go with “ThreeD”, “Three-D”, “TD”, “IIID”…. but none of those felt right. Then it occurred to me that “3D” is equivalent to “DDD”. I like that it is a single character 3 times: easy to remember, easy to type, short.

So what is DDD? DDD is a command line tool to import/modify/view/export 3D data. Another way to put it…

ImageMagick is to Photoshop as DDD is to Maya

I want this project to work on Windows, Mac, and Linux.

Above you can see the logo I created for the project. I wanted the logo to imply 3D without drawing any 3D text. If you cover an eye, your brain uses other queues to determine depth. I tried to use several of those queues…

  1. Distant objects are smaller
  2. Distant objects are lighter
  3. Distant objects are closer to the horizon
  4. Distant objects have less detail
  5. Distant objects are overlapped by closer objects
  6. Linear perspective/vanishing point

Got the name.
Got the logo.
Next up: make it work!

More soon.

What I use: Text Editor

My previous choice for text editor was Sublime. I paid for it. I liked that I could learn one text editor and use it on Windows, Mac, and Linux. It came with dark mode by default and looked good.

Then Visual Studio Code happened. VS Code works on Windows, Mac, and LInux. It has a dark mode by default. AND…it is free and open source.

The pace of development is amazing. New features are released every month. It is hard to keep up with all the goodies they cram in.

When you start VS Code, it comes lean without any plugins. As you open different file types, you get recommendations to install plugins that will improve the experience for that particular file type. Just click “install” on the recommendation and the plugin is installed and enabled very quickly.

Here are the plugins I am currently using…

If you look at the most popular plugins, the top plugin is Python with 18 million downloads…

If you look at the Stack Overflow Developer Survey for “Most Popular Developer Environment,” Visual Studio Code is tops and growing quickly….

Year% of respondents that choose Visual Studio CodeRanking against all developer environments
2017 (calculated from original source data)19.0%6th

I use VS Code for Python, PowerShell, and C# development. I highly recommend Visual Studio Code.

Mini-Review: Song of the South

You know the music (Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah), but have you seen the movie Song of the South? Probably not. The movie has not been released to home video in the US out of fear of accusations of racism. It has been released to home video in European and Asian markets though. I bought a non-US DVD and watched it last night for the first time.

The mixture live action and animation is well done. It is hard to believe this was done in 1946. The music is great. Story was a little slow. I did not see any racism. I am glad I got to finally see it so I can have my own opinion about it.

2.5/5 Stars