It’s Alive!

My old blog covers January 2003 to January 2013. I accidently overwrote it when I started this blog.

I brought it back to life. You can now access it here:

How I Fixed It

  1. I used WinSCP to download my old blog to my computer.
  2. I ran this PowerShell script to update all the links to the new location (/
    ls *.html,*.xml -r -files | %{(gc $_ -Raw) -replace 'davidlenihan\.com','' | Set-Content $_}
  3. I used Adobe Media Encoder to convert all .wmv, . mov, and .mpg to .mp4 that can play in modern browsers.
  4. I ran this PowerShell script to change all references to videos to .mp4
    ls *.html -file -r | %{(gc $_ -Raw) -replace '(?<url>\"http://(www\.|)davidlenihan\.com/[^ ]*)\.(wmv|mov|mpg)\"', '${url}.mp4"' | Set-Content $_}
  5. I used WinSCP to upload the updated blog contents to the new location on the web server
  6. I created a subdomain ( that points to the actual location ( for easier access
  7. I placed a link to the old blog on the bottom right side under “Links”

Let me know if you find any issues.

My Family’s Home Pages

Editor’s note:

This blog post was originally posted April 9, 2006. My old Moveable Type blog has been replaced with a new WordPress blog. In updating to the new blog, all my old posts ‘went away.’ I will periodically bring back some of them so they can live again. I had to update this post because many of the links no longer work and the JavaScript code did not work correctly with Chrome.


For Christmas 2000, I thought it would be a nice gift to give my family their own domains. I wanted my family to actually set up their own home pages, but I knew they probably would not. So I decided to give them a little incentive…I setup *very* annoying home pages for each of them based on the internet classic hamster dance.

Here are the original home pages, safely archived on my web site:

Of the original 4 web sites I setup, only my brother has kept his domain, but removed the “bro dance” home page. My Dad, Mom, and Joe let their domains expire and no longer own them.