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April 8, 2007


Filed under Movies, Reviews

I saw the new movie "Grindhouse" yesterday.

The film has an unusual layout. It is actually two completely different movies with fake previews before each feature. Total running time is 3 hours, 10 minutes.

"Planet Terror" is a zombie movie and "Death Proof" is a psycho-on-a-killing-rampage movie.

I *loved* this movie. This is Tarantino's best work since Pulp Fiction. Of the two features, I preferred Tarantino's "Death Proof" over Rodriguez's "Planet Terror."

Definitely not a film for everybody. It is the goriest movie I've ever seen...which is one of the reasons I enjoyed it so much. Watching with a crowd is a must...listening to the audience react to the over-the-top moments (there are several) is what makes this movie such a fun ride.

Part of the "charm" of this movie are the references to other shows. The characters talk about "tasty beverages" and "Big Kahuna Burgers" a la Pulp Fiction. There are some car chase scenes that are right out of the "Dukes of Hazard." The music at times was reminiscent of a John Carpenter horror flick.

The look of "Planet Terror" is intentionally very low-budget, however the special effects (by ILM neighbor, The Orphanage) were top-notch and gruesome.

The music was great...I ordered both CD's (1 for each movie) today.


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Comments (3)


Is "Grindhouse" even better than "Evil Dead 2"?

Grindhouse has the same vibe as Evil Dead 2...but it has way more variety.

I prefer Grindhouse now because it is new and I don't think I could possibly watch ED2 again (I must have seen it 30+ times).

I would say Evil Dead 2 is better because it is non-stop and less than 2 hours.

Russ Urquhart:


I have to make a comment on this. I have this sort of love/hate relationship with Tarrantino. I loved Kill Bill, but some of his previous efforts seemed a little unnecessarily over the top and indulgent. (Or was that his personality?)
In either case, let me say up front that i haven't seen this film. Partially because, i am about the same age as Quentin and I also saw the same type of films that he is doing an homage to in Grindhouse, and they were great then, but I'm not so sure now. I only marginally like them then.
Let me, first, give props where due. I can appreciate that Quentin and Robert are trying, as fiimmakers, to simultaneaously give tribute to and resusitate this genre. This is something bold, daring, and totally unexpected. Hear, hear!
The issue i have, however, when ANYONE attempts to recreate a certain genre of film, wrt paying homage, is that they seem to forget that films from that genre may still be readily available and might be a better representation of that time and genre than the directors current offering.
Some of the specific problems i have with that time and place that he is trying to recreate, is notably mentioned in this review.

If you want to, like me, enjoy films from that era, let me know, and i will send you a dvd port of Tool Box Murders or Kill or Be Killed. They represent the genre and are genuine.



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