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February 25, 2006

Scratching Xbox 360 Discs

Filed under Reviews, Xbox 360

If you are looking for a way to ruin your Xbox 360 games…I have found it! It is very simple…
  • Put a game in the unit.
  • Start the game.
  • Switch the orientation of the Xbox 360 (from vertical to horizontal or vice versa).
  • Note extremely loud buzz saw noise.
And that is it! You have destroyed your $60 game. You will notice scratch marks all around the outer edge of your game disc.
Normally I would never switch the orientation of the unit while it is in use. However, I heard a really loud fan noise at one point in a game and I wondered if the noise would be quieter if I put the Xbox flat.
I called Dell about this and they are going to replace the disc Actually, they are replacing everything, since they only have an order number for the Xbox 360 bundle and not the disc. No questions asked! I like Dell.
It sounds like I’m not the only one to run into this. These guys ran into the problem and did a thorough investigation into the cause and how to modify your Xbox so it won’t scratch any more discs. They even have a video that shows how it works (in case you don’t want to try it on your own discs).
Dell did not have any Xbox 360 bundles in stock, so they could not replace my scratched disk. They contacted me about the issue and gave me two choices: a full refund and I return the whole system or they would give me a credit of $50. I took the credit (of course). The game actually cost $50 so it worked out well..I promptly went to Best Buy and bought a new copy of Kameo. I like Dell.

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