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September 9, 2007

Notepad Replacement

Filed under Computers, Programming, Reviews, Software

I spend much of my time editing text in Visual Studio. I love their text editor...but Visual Studio is too big to load just to edit an occasional text file. For that, I use Notepad or Wordpad.

I ran into an issue where I needed to look at a specific line number in a text file. Visual Studio lets you jump to a line number, but Notepad/Wordpad don't.

I could load Visual Studio and then jump to the line number...but I decided to look for a Notepad replacement...and I found a great one!


It's called Notepad++. It is *exactly* what I was looking for...a free editor that gives you all the functionality of Visual Studio in a text editor that loads very quickly.

Things that I like about Notepad++:

  • Line numbers/go to line number
  • Free
  • Quick to load
  • Bookmarks
  • Ctrl-F3 Search (searches for the word under the cursor without opening a dialog box)
  • Uses the same keyboard shortcuts that Visual Studio uses
  • Regular Expression Searches
  • Tabbed Document Interface
  • Syntax highlighting for C++, HTML, XML, Python, Lua, JavaScript, C# (and many others)
  • Support for Windows, UNIX, and Mac line ending
  • Macro recording/playback
  • Plug-in Support
  • Spell Check
  • Alt-Left Mouse Button select (great for selecting a single column of text)

You can download Notepad++ (npp) here. I used npp.4.2.2.Installer.exe.

Highly recommended!

Comments (6)

Thanks David, I've been looking for something like this. I'm kind of amused by its start up configuration - it seems to want to exercise every font I have on my system when viewing C++! It works well with Python and the few other languages I checked.

I also noticed that my code looks pretty nice in there, but boost doesn't!

I used Textpad (http://www.textpad.com/); it isn't free, but I like the interface. I'll check out notepad++.


Ctrl-G in Notepad pops up a window to go to a specific line. At the same time, it displays the current line number you are on.


Thanks for the correction...notepad has support for "go to line #", but wordpad does not.


New version of Notepad++ was released today, v4.7.



BDV Notepad is an other Notepad replacement utility with many useful features that allow file encoding conversion, line sorting, case conversion and word wrapping.


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