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Individual Entry With Comments

July 2, 2007

My Motivation

Filed under Funny

Sometimes...this video is the only thing that keeps me going.

Comments (3)

Mike Alves:

I justed added your blog to my google reader. This just kills me. If you ever want to revisit that whole dancing video in Epcot then I will lend you my Darth Vader costume.

It has been a *long* time since that video (my dancing video) has been seen on my blog. Actually...almost exactly 2 years! If you haven't seen it, here it is.

The stormtrooper video just cracks me up. I watch it at least once a day and it still makes me laugh!

The guy behind the mask is actually pretty interesting. His name is Danny Choo, and his NSFW web site is here. He was born in England, but now lives in Japan. He has worked for Amazon and Microsoft. He likes to dress in his "armor" and walk around Japan. In his spare time he does photo shoots with busty Japanese "idols" and designs women's shoes.

What a guy!

MoFo Chill:

SuperDave - this dance video is pretty good too:


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