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Individual Entry With Comments

January 11, 2007


Filed under Movies, Reviews

I just finished watching Idiocracy. This is a *great* movie by the guy that did Office Space, Mike Judge.

Idiocracy was never promoted in theaters and only played in 7 cities. In Dallas, it was gone in less than 2 weeks, so I missed it. But it came out on DVD this week, and I grabbed it as quick as I could.

After seeing the film, I can understand why 20th Century Fox tried to bury this movie. It makes a lot of jokes at the expense of corporations (Fuddruckers, Starbucks, Carl's Jr. to name a few)...and those corporations buy a lot of advertising.

It is original, funny, and smart, in a dumb kind of way. It is one of the best movies I've seen in a while. Two thumbs way up!

Comments (1)


See, I told ya! Great film! I gotta go out and get the DVD today...The odd thing is, and I don't know if I believe this, but I've read that some of those corporations actually participated in this movie and that the reason it was buried was because nobody "got" the sarcastic humor. If you read the reviews, that's probably part of the problem...

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