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August 6, 2006

SIGGRAPH Emerging Technologies: Submerging Technologies

Filed under SIGGRAPH, Video

This video is of a tank of water with computer generated fish projected in the tank. When you touch the water, the fish react. In the video, I think I moved too fast or confused the fish, because they don't seem to be running from me poking the water. There weren't any directions...so maybe I wasn't supposed to poke the water.

This video is from another water exhibit in the same area. A fountain of water creates a water "shell". The shell shrinks as you put your hand closer and then expands when nobody is touching it.

Here is the official SIGGRAPH info.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 6, 2006 9:13 PM.

The previous post in this blog was SIGGRAPH Emerging Technologies: Morphovision.

The next post in this blog is SIGGRAPH Emerging Technologies: Tablescape Plus: Upstanding Tiny Displays on Tabletop Display.

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