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August 6, 2006

SIGGRAPH Emerging Technologies: Morphovision

Filed under SIGGRAPH, Video

This one messes with your head. It is called "Morphovision." You see a model house in a glass box. The house starts to bend and warp...which makes you think you are looking at a video. But you are not! You can walk around the house and see it from any angle. Eventually, the trick is revealed...the house is spinning at a high rate of speed with a special strobe light that lights up different parts of the house so that it doesn't appear to be spinning. Here is my video clip of the demo...try to ignore the jibber-jabber from the boy geniuses. If you listen very carefully, you may be able to hear my eyes roll back into my head while I was filming.

Comments (1)

By phasing the curve, you can have this ripple effect?

He's right - he nailed it.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 6, 2006 11:54 AM.

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The next post in this blog is SIGGRAPH Emerging Technologies: Submerging Technologies.

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