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August 28, 2008

Mojave Update

Filed under Computers, Software

The guys behind the Mojave Experiment have updated the site to address some of the biggest concerns. New to the site are interviews with the guys that ran the experiment, the demos they showed, and the hardware they used.

There is also a new web site called the "Windows Vista Compatibility Center" that lists hardware and software that will and won't work with Vista. Very helpful!

Here is a good interview with the guy that thought up the Mojave Experiment, David Webster. Expect the Mojave Experiment to move from the web to TV soon to reach a larger audience.

Also, the new Seinfeld Vista ads should hit TV Sept 4th.


Comments (4)


This is the non-silverlight site link

I like David Webster's comment from the interview... "We specifically went to San Francisco because we knew it would be a tough crowd"

What can you say about San Francisco :)


Here are the direct links for the videos and their respective topic. Each video is 2-3 minutes long.




Windows Media Center

File Backup



I have noticed a few mac/linux fanboys out here...and by "few" I mean almost everybody.

Thanks for the links to the videos.


Dave, you really should check out the game Braid on Xbox Live if you haven't already. Check reviews if you must; but trust me, you'll love it. This game has cooler time-related puzzles than any game I've ever played. Its in 2d, but I think its better than Portal. Its $15.

As far as Windows Vista goes. I am a huge Windows fan as you know, but I can't even recommend Vista yet. My girlfriend has it on her computer which I maintain, and it came with her computer which is a 600$ Hewlett Packard with 3 gigs of memory and its faster than all of my computers; and it still has lots of issues. Her monitor randomly wakes up from standby mode in the middle of the night, common programs crash regularly, her wifi has issues staying connected even though it always sees the network and has the proper login, and often when things go wrong ctrl+alt+del doesn't open the task manager. All of these problems may not directly be Microsoft's fault, but it doesn't matter from her perspective; if the drivers aren't as good for Vista then it still affects tons of people. I have most of the same applications she does, and they crash much less for me on XP.

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