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July 3, 2008

Coolest Achievement EVAR!

Filed under Video Games, Xbox 360


A buddy of mine (Chris Franka) asked me how I got the "Rockstar" achievement in GTA4.

I didn't know what he was talking about so I looked it up on the Internets.

Apparently, you get this achievement when you kill a Rockstar developer (creators of GTA4) in a multiplayer game!

It's actually not as impressive as it sounds, since it is a viral achievement. Once you kill a Rockstar developer, you are added to the Rockstar developer list and anybody that kills you also gets the achievement and is added to the list.

It is very likely that I killed someone that killed someone that killed someone that killed someone that killed a Rockstar developer.

I am a self-confessed achievement whore. I *love* getting achievements...this is one of the best/most creative.

Comments (3)

Cool achievement. I've been wanting to try that game. As of late, all my gaming time goes to Rockband. The game is crack cocaine. Funny, I thought it was one of the dumbest things ever created when I first saw it. I advise you not to get it. Your life will change.


What about props for telling you how to get 40 points with

One Man Army - You survived a 6 star wanted level for a full 5 minutes.

I mean getting 10 points for killing a developer by six degrees of seperation is cool and all but 40 points is awesome.



Yeah, after you told me about it, I went to multiplayer deathmatch. It wasn't even ranked multiplayer. First person I killed, I got the achievement, so I may have been one of the few people who DIDN'T have it.

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