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November 11, 2007

Trackback Spam

Filed under Blogging

I've been getting an increasing amount of trackback spam on my blog. I've never really used the trackback feature, so I disabled it with all my new posts.


All my old posts were still enabled for trackbacks. This setting is per entry, not for the entire blog. The only way to turn it off was to go to each old entry, clear the "Accept Trackbacks" checkbox, and click "Save." This process takes *forever* (probably about 1 minute per entry). Considering I had almost 200 hundred posts that needed updating, I decided to just live with the spam I was getting (about one message a day).

Today I found a quick way to turn all the "Accept Trackbacks" off. My blog is stored as an SQL database. All I had to do was use my website's SQL administration page and enter this SQL command:

update mt_entry set entry_allow_pings = 0

After I did this, I rebuilt my blog (regenerated all the web pages) and now I don't have any pages that accept Trackbacks!

I had an SQL course in college. I never expected to use it because databases were not that interesting to me. But back then, nobody used SQL for personal projects, like blogs. Suddenly, I'm interested in learning more about SQL.

Goodbye Trackback Spam!

Comments (4)


I installed Bad Behavior, and my blog is totally clean.

I'm guessing that is a wordpress thing. I'm sure movable type has something similar...but I haven't ever used trackbacks, so turning it off is fine with me.


I love SQL. I can write SQL queries in my sleep, and yes, I realize how nerdy that makes me sound lol

There is something very sexy about a girl that knows SQL...

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 11, 2007 11:05 AM.

The previous post in this blog was The Pixar Story.

The next post in this blog is India Trip Part 3.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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