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August 15, 2007

PS3 vs. Xbox 360: Madden NFL 08 Frame Rate

Filed under Video Games, Xbox 360


I heard about this today...Madden NFL 08 (which was released today) runs at 60 fps on the Xbox 360 and 30 fps on the PS3.

You can really see the difference in the HD video (WMV or Quicktime) when it shows them running side-by-side at 25% speed.

This is *HUGE* because the PS3 was supposed to be superior to the 360, and thus was worth the high cost.

I've read that EA's NCAA Football 08 as well as 2K Sports' All-Pro Football 2K8 both run at 60 fps on the 360 verses 30 fps on the PS3.

It will be interesting to see if this trend holds up with games by other developers coming to both platforms at the same time:

Comments (5)

It will also be interesting to see if this is a limitation of the the hardware or the compilers or the development staff. The cel processor was a big leap for Sony, and it may have broken the "baby steps" rule we all learned from watching "What About Bob?" 40 times.

Perhaps the PS3 is trying death therapy? (Or is it the 360 hardware doing that?)

Thankfully, the most advanced video game in our house, Millipede (Pizza joint table version) is still going strong.

Millipede! I've always wanted a real arcade cabinet...but I think it would end up like a piece of art...after its newness wears off you forget about it and leave it running in the background as conversation starter for guests. Pretty cool, though!

Mike Schriever:

Supposedly the game was made for the 360 and ported over to the PS3.

I wonder if we will see any games made for the PS3 and then ported to the 360 that run faster on the PS3.

I think this comparison is only interesting for games that come out for both platforms at the same time.

Do Sony exclusives run at 60fps or 30fps? Any ideas on Metal Gear Solid 4, Lair or Heavenly Sword? Motorstorm has been out so we should be able to tell how fast it runs. Ah - I just google'd Motorstorm 60fps and it looks like they backed off and it runs at 30fps. Ouch.

Some gaming website I can't remember was blaming the perf differences in either 360 to PS3 ports, or not having the PS3 hardware for as long as 360 hardware. If it's a matter of optimization or HW/SW familiarity, it would seem like EA could ask Sony for some tips? What's up with that?

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