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January 23, 2007

Got a New Job!

Filed under Animation, Events

It's official!

I received my offer letter today from Industrial Light & Magic (ILM) in San Francisco. ILM is located in the Presidio, next to the Golden Gate Bridge.

ILM is one of the top special effects companies. They have an impressive resume of films including: the Star Wars films, Jurassic Park, Twister, Terminator 2, the Harry Potter films, and Pirates of the Caribbean. Here is a complete list of their films. Here is a list of movies that ILM is currently working on.

I've been doing flight simulator work for the past 10 years, now I will be in the movie business. I'm excited about the change, both the job and the location. This is a dream job and and I couldn't be happier!

Now I need to quickly find a place to live! So much time, and so little to do! Strike that, reverse it.

Comments (10)


Congratulations! Give Liz a call - she used to live out there.

Congratulations! What's the Presido?

WTF...a blog with a spelling mistake? Say it isn't so! I'm going to have a talk with my editor.

I'm so glad my friends are such smart arses!

Spelling mistake fixed.


Thanks...can you send me Liz's contact info?


Wow, that's fantastic news!

The digs at the Presidio are pretty new, maybe two years at most? That's a pretty sweet address to go with your sweet new gig.

Congrats, and good luck!



Holy Crap.....that is wonderful news.

So what will you be doing? You get to work in the Dev area....get ready to dig deep in Python. They love that there.


Let us know what is the first movie you will be working on.

Mike Schriever:

Congrats! Hopefully your assumed pay raise won't all go to California taxes. Good luck with the hippies.

Congratulations Dave! Couldn't of happened to a nicer 3d graphics geek.

Lissa Shepard:

Congratulations. That sounds like a dream job that fits you to a T! Good luck to you!!

Cory Dearing:

Dave, glad that you are finally able to combine two of your passions (3d graphics and movies). Now you will be on the inside looking out!

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