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June 1, 2006

Purse Snatching

Filed under WTF

I've seen this in movies before, but never in person. I was at the Idle Rich Pub in Uptown last night. I was hanging out on the patio watching the expensive cars (two Lamborghini Murcielago's!) and trolley's go by on McKinney Avenue. Then I noticed a small black women walking towards my general direction on the sidewalk next to the patio. She walked past where I was sitting and grabbed a girl's purse that was placed on the divider between the patio and the sidewalk. She held the purse tight to her chest with both arms and took off running. At first I thought it was a joke. The girl whose purse was swiped just 5 inches from where she was sitting frantically told the two guys she was with that her purse was stolen. The guys jumped over the divider and chased after the thief. A black Mercedes was waiting around the corner for the purse snatcher. The guys caught up just as the Mercedes was pulling away. All they could do was kick the back of the car as it left the scene. The girl that lost her purse was obviously shaken. Unbelievable.

Comments (2)

WTF is right! I was imagining what I would do in that kind of situation, and my adrenaline is pumping!

In retrospect, I wished I would have been able to take a picture of the girl with my camera phone...but it happened so quick...30 seconds from purse taken to car speeding away. There was about a 5 second delay while people tried to figure out what just happened before the guys started chase. If the guys were close enough to kick the car, you'd think they could have gotten the license plate, but they didn't. The cops came about an 2 hours later and took a report, but I doubt it is going to do any good.

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